Macrocyclic polymers are fascinating molecules that have triggered the curiosity of biologists, chemists and theoreticians since the discovery of cyclic DNA in living cells, more than 50 years ago [1,2]. The topological restriction imposed by the cyclic architecture and the absence of chain ends in ring polymers result in original properties, some of which have yet to be completely elucidated. For example, it has been shown that cyclic polymers have smaller hydrodynamic volumes and radii and are less viscous than their linear analogues. Other specific properties such as diffusion and viscoelastic behaviors, which should also be strongly influenced by the cyclic topology, have been only marginally explored due to the limited availability of the corresponding high molar mass macrocycles.Much less is known about more complex ring topologies such as knotted and catenated macromolecular rings (Scheme 1) that are also found in nature. Their mechanism of formation and their function are still unclear, and increasing efforts are being conducted to tentatively prepare and investigate their specific characteristics and properties.Various examples of cyclized and pluri-cyclized DNA macromolecules have been reported in the literature since the pioneer work of Clayton [3] who identified circular forms of mitochondrial DNA in extracts of human leukemic leucocytes, both in the form of circular dimers and as catenanes made up of interlocked rings.The winding of DNA in higher-order forms such as knots and catenanes was also shown on electron micrographs of DNA molecules coated with Echerichia coli RecA protein. It was found that DNA topoisomerase I of E. coli generates an equal mixture of (?) and (-) duplex DNA knots, as well as catenanes [4]. Together, RecQ helicase and topoisomerase III (Topo III) of E. coli comprise a potent DNA strand passage activity that can catenate covalently closed DNA [5]. The structure of the catenated DNA species formed by RecQ helicase and Topo III was directly assessed using atomic force microscopy (AFM) [6] (Fig. 1).The mechanism by which topoisomerase mediates knotting of supercoiled DNA was investigated by Wasserman [7]. Knotting was explained by DNA contacts stabilized by enzyme molecules.DNA catenanes and large circular DNA have also been prepared by the reaction of T4 DNA ligase with linear DNA in the presence of nicked DNA [8,9].In addition to naturally occurring macrocycles and the investigation of their formation mechanisms, the preparation and the study of well-defined synthetic ring polymers as models of natural rings, has been implemented. Preliminary studies were first oriented towards polymer systems bearing reactive functions on the backbone chain, such as polydimethylsiloxanes [10], polyethers [11], polyesters [12], and so forth.The synthesis of cyclic polymers by end-to-end coupling of chains, first proposed by Casassa [13], was experimentally performed in 1980 [14,15] by the ring closure of living a, x-difunctional polymer chains in the presence of a difunctional coupling agent, u...