Although transfer of electrophilic
alkoxyl (“RO+”)
from organic peroxides to organometallics offers a complement to traditional
methods for etherification, application has been limited by constraints
associated with peroxide reactivity and stability. We now demonstrate
that readily prepared tetrahydropyranyl monoperoxyacetals react with sp3 and sp2 organolithium
and organomagnesium reagents to furnish moderate to high yields of
ethers. The method is successfully applied to the synthesis of alkyl,
alkenyl, aryl, heteroaryl, and cyclopropyl ethers, mixed O,O-acetals, and S,S,O-orthoesters. In contrast to reactions of dialkyl
and alkyl/silyl peroxides, the displacements of monoperoxyacetals
provide no evidence for alkoxy radical intermediates. At the same
time, the high yields observed for transfer of primary, secondary,
or tertiary alkoxides, the latter involving attack on neopentyl oxygen,
are inconsistent with an SN2 mechanism. Theoretical studies
suggest a mechanism involving Lewis acid promoted insertion of organometallics
into the O–O bond.