“…Phosphorus-31 nmr spectrum: resonances at +31.5 (singlet) and +126.2 ppm (triplet of apparent septets; Jj = 190 ± 3, 7sep = 7 Hz) corresponding to the single tertiary phosphorus atom and the two primary phosphorus atoms, respectively. Mass spectrum (chamber temperature 210°, sample temperature 110°); CH3P(CH2CH2-PH2)2+ ( 6), CH3P(CH2CH2PH2)(CH2CH2PH)+ ( 4), CH3-P(CH2CH2PH2)CH2CH2+ (100), CH3PCH2CH2PH2+ (24), CH3P(C2H3)CH2CH2+ ( 6), H2PCH2CH2PH2+ (8), HP-CH2CH2PH2+ (6), H2P(CH2CH2)2+ ( 9), CH3P2H3+ (34), CH3P2H2+ (32), CH3P2H+ (7), C3H,0P+ (15), C3H9P+ (10), C3H8P+ (19), C3H7P4• (8), C3H6P+ (19), C2H8P+ (7), C2H7P+ (16) If the reaction of methylphosphine with diisopropyl vinylphosphonate was carried out at 40°rather than at the boiling point of the tetrahydrofuran using otherwise identical reaction conditions, only unchanged diisopropyl vinylphosphonate was recovered.…”