CeMiee extracts of tcucatrostof and &3culcpccut species were tested for their a-a&oWate syndmse and aacelolaetate dtmrboxylase activities. In ~~co~stuc meseffteroides subq. crmi3r&, Leacotwstoc mesentefoides subsp. ~senjeroldes and Leucon~~c factis, the Km of a-xetolactate synthase for pyruvate was close to 10 mM wm it was 30 mM in L~r~acc~ luctis subsp. lactis boom. ~~e~~actjs. The Km of a-acetolactate decarboxylase for a-xetoiactic acid was very low {ft.3 mM) in Letwaastoc specks in can-to Lactococcas luctis s&p. luctis biovx. diacery~uctis (60 mM). In the latter bacterium, a-acetolactttte decarboxytase showed a sigmoidal depe&mce upar a-xetolactic acid and W(IS activated by the thne bmncbuichain amino acids: kucine, isoleucine and v&e.Luctacmms iactis subsp. fact& biovtu. diacetylacts and Leuconusroc spp. am used in the dairy industry for the production of diacetyl duting the fe~n~i~ of milk. Citmte is the pncutsa of C, {acetoin, diacetyl and 23-~~~iol) and C, (a-acetolactic acid ~~A)~ commune. ALA is pzoduced by the ~n~~ti~ of active acetidehyde with pyruvate by the a-acetoirtctate synthase (ALS). ALA is an unst&k compound which can be decarboxykued chemi&y into acetoin and dietyl ur enzymatically into ucetoin vh the a-acetolactite decarboxyktse (ALEC) {Hugenholz, 1993). ALS from L. lacfis s&p. lack biovar. diucetylactis has been purified: a very high Km value (50 mM) for pytuvute was found (Snoep et al., 1992). ALEC from ~c~~~cji~~ caFei has been purified (Rasmussen et al., 1985) but no inf~ti~ is av&bk 011 this enzyme in Lcuc~~ustL7c and Luctueocms species. There is a kuge variation in diacetyl, acetoin and ALA production between L. iactis subsp. tactis biovur. diacetylactis and Le~cttn~stac spp.: in L. iactis subsp. iuctis biovar-diaretylactis acctoin, diacctyl, formate and acelate are the main products from citmte rne~~lisrn (Cogan, 1982; Schmitt ef al., 1988; S~en~g and Hugenholz, 199 1) when% lactate and xet31c are the main products in Leuro~ostoc spp. (Cogm, i987: Schmitt and DiviEs, 1992;Schmitt et al., 1992). ALS and ALDC arc the key enzymes involved in dixetyl.aceloin and ALA productian: the tim of the present report is to achieve a compamtive study of ALS and ALDC m Loctocorms md tr:r,wwsmc spxies.