The visualisation of teaching higher mathematics as a development of information and communication technologies determines the transition of the educational process to a new level of its development. As a result, it should focus on the visual orientation and modern practice of its use. The question arises as to the formation of students’ visual thinking as a necessary component of the training of a modern specialist. In this context, a study has been conducted on the problem of using visual information and its visual perception in teaching higher mathematics on the example of individual sections, as well as techniques of justification based on visual information. The examples offered in the article form the skills of working with graphic information. Developing visual thinking, they fix attention during the learning process, implicitly and indirectly contributing to the conversion of mental content into a visual image, ensuring the formation of a more complete picture of an image or concept. The article analyses the results of using visualisation in the educational process of students of technical universities. The influence of visualisation on the level of students’ knowledge is analysed. In particular, the ability of a certain contingent of students to perceive and use visual images, their ability to think and express thoughts in images, perceive the content of logic, emotions contained in visual information, as well as the ability to operate with visual images in communication, establish cause and effect relationships and relations between concepts, as well as memorise and reproduce ideas about objects is noted.