Complex movements require accurate temporal coordination between their components. The temporal acuity of such coordination has been attributed to an internal clock signal provided by inferior olivary oscillations. However, a clock signal can produce only time intervals that are multiples of the cycle duration. Because olivary oscillations are in the range of 5-10 Hz, they can support intervals of Ϸ100 -200 ms, significantly longer than intervals suggested by behavioral studies. Here, we provide evidence that by generating nonzero-phase differences, olivary oscillations can support intervals shorter than the cycle period. Chronically implanted multielectrode arrays were used to monitor the activity of the cerebellar cortex in freely moving rats. Harmaline was administered to accentuate the oscillatory properties of the inferior olive. Olivaryinduced oscillations were observed on most electrodes with a similar frequency. Most importantly, oscillations in different recording sites retained a constant phase difference that assumed a variety of values in the range of 0 -180°, and were maintained across large global changes in the oscillation frequency. The inferior olive may thus underlie not only rhythmic activity and synchronization, but also temporal patterns that require intervals shorter than the cycle duration. The maintenance of phase differences across frequency changes enables the olivo-cerebellar system to replay temporal patterns at different rates without distortion, allowing the execution of tasks at different speeds. cerebellar cortex ͉ harmaline ͉ inferior olive ͉ multielectrode arrays C erebellar involvement in timing is well-established, with evidence encompassing both normal and pathological conditions. Motor coordination in the 7-9 Hz range has been shown to involve the cerebellum (1), and pathologies associated with the cerebellum can either disrupt motor timing (2-4) or exaggerate tremor in this frequency range (5). The cerebellum also plays a pivotal role in timing of sensory and cognitive functions (6-11). The olivocerebellar system thus seems to be crucial for accurate timing in the range of tens to hundreds milliseconds. Two mechanisms have been proposed for cerebellar timing. First, parallel fibers have been suggested to activate Purkinje cells (PCs) with accurate delays (12-14) subserving timing. Second, oscillations in the inferior olive (IO) (15-18) have been proposed to act as a clock signal for timing. Both these mechanisms fail to cover the required range of 10-500 ms, the former because the length of a parallel fiber is exhausted within Ϸ10 ms and therefore can only support shorter time scales, and the latter because an olivary clock signal can only support temporal coordination at multiples of the clock cycle (Ϸ100-200 ms) (19). Time intervals shorter than the cycle duration could be generated by creating phase differences between different subgroups of IO neurons. Although in vitro studies demonstrate that IO oscillations can exhibit rich spatiotemporal dynamics (20, 21), the possi...