This article proposes a substantiation of the author's approach to establishing the content, sequence and features of integrated land management in the development of a gas supply system for rural areas. To achieve this goal, the authors investigate the following issues. The first is determining the content of territorial land management in the gasification of rural administrative formations, substantiating the methodological sequence for solving the design problem of integrated land management. The second is determining the features of integrated land management in the development of gas supply to rural municipal areas. Methodically, the design land management problem is solved in the following sequence. This is making a decision on the redistribution of land, establishing the parameters and value of the allotted property, establishing compensation for the occupation of land, determining the conditions for restoring the disturbed surface of the territory, establishing payments for land property. The peculiarities of land management here are: participation in the process of land property of various functional purposes, priority of social goals, comprehensive solution of land management tasks for the entire district, taking into account the existing infrastructure, targeted financing of design and construction work. The implementation of the author's proposals is aimed at creating favorable organizational and territorial conditions for the development of gas supply to rural areas, improving the living conditions of the local population, increasing the investment attractiveness of municipalities, optimizing the system of use and redistribution of land and property complexes in rural areas.