In an article dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Reserve Colonel of Justice Alexander V. Kudashkin and 0f the Doctor of Law, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Captain 2nd Rank Reserve Vladimir V. Kudashkin, an overview of their biography, service and research activities is given. The methodological, theoretical, empirical and practical generalizations that today combine Military Law as a direction of scientific research thanks to the creative efforts of the heroes of the day are described. The relevance and necessity of continuing the development of the theory of Military Law contained in the works of A. V. Kudashkin and V. V. Kudashkin is pointed out. It is noted that one of the ways to develop the science of Military Law is theoretical and practical discussions, which can be developed on the pages of peer-reviewed publications with the direct editorial and intellectual participation of the heroes of the day.