This chapter describes the concepts and methodology necessary to apply the IMOS (innovation model for organizational sustainability), and shows to entrepreneurs, academics, consultants, and people interested in this subject, a practical management model that motivates decision makers look for the best alternatives to boost their company and bring it to the best sustainability standards. The IMOS is made up of eight organizational components: Strategic direction, production and/or commercialization and/or transformation of goods and/or services, organizational culture, associativity, marketing, technology, legal matters, and financial indicators. In turn, each component analyzes four factors: social, environmental, managerial and innovation. In each factor, a series of variables are presented (42) that are explained in detail in the theoretical framework of this chapter, which allow four levels to be measured from one (1) to four (4): one (1) (incipient), two (2) (survival), three (3) (developing) and four (4) (world class).