Milk is an important part of our daily diet and contributes to the intake of important nutrients. Large scale applications of different pesticides in agriculture have resulted in retaining of pesticides in the form of residues in the natural resources, including milk also. Contamination of fodder and other natural resources with pesticides results in entry of pesticides in the body of cattle, including the milk. Presence of pesticides in milk contributes to the serious issue of human health. Various pesticide residues detected in milk include carbamates, organochlorines, organophosphates, and synthetic pyrethroid. General symptoms of pesticide residue toxicity of milk include excessive salivation, sweating, tearing, muscle twitching, weakness, tremor, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhoea, respiratory depression, tightness in chest etc. Present review focuses on whole milk/full fat milk (definition, composition, nutritional value, therapeutic benefits); pesticides (definition, types, benefits, adverse effects); and pesticide residues. Emphasis is also given on public health concerns and safety measures for pesticide residues in milk for general public. This study recommends establishing pesticide residue monitoring programs for analysis of milk, to improve food safety and decrease exposure risks for consumers, and to create awareness among general public and owners of dairy farms regarding health hazards by pesticide residues in milk.