The Fischer−Tropsch (F−T) activity of three α-Fe2O3-based materials, two unsupported
nanosized, NANOCAT (3 nm) and BASF (20−80 nm), and a supported micrometer-sized (32.5
μm) UCI, were measured with respect to total hydrocarbon production from synthesis gas (H2/CO ∼ 2/1). All three oxides were initially reduced under CO at 553 K in ethylflopolyolefin-164
solvent, and the extent of their reduction was established by monitoring CO2 evolution. The ease
of reduction of α-Fe2O3 followed the order: UCI > NANOCAT > BASF. The Fischer−Tropsch
(F−T) synthesis activities of the three reduced materials were measured at 513 K. Mössbauer
and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements established that the initial oxides
were in the α-Fe2O3 phase. Room-temperature XAFS together with low-temperature Mössbauer
data of the quenched catalyst samples after 120 h F−T reaction suggest that all three catalysts
were essentially a mixture of oxides and carbides with magnetite being the dominant phase.
The observed high activity with NANOCAT and the presence of mainly (88%) magnetite phase
indicate that either the oxide phase contributes as a catalyst or the minor (12%) carbide phase
is extremely active for F−T synthesis. TEM images of the quenched samples remarkably showed
that both unsupported nano materials, NANOCAT and BASF, avoided expected agglomeration
and the micrometer-sized UCI converted into a nano material of <10 nm under F−T reaction
conditions. The narrow particle size distribution of the quenched catalysts in the nano range
(∼10−50 nm) explains the very similar activities observed with the three different-sized starting
materials in the order: BASF > NANOCAT ∼ UCI. The data suggest a crucial role of nanosized
Fe during F−T synthesis.