The dynamics of dissolved long-chain macromolecules are different in highly confined environments than in bulk solution. A computational method is presented here for detailed prediction of these dynamics, and applied to the behavior of ϳ1-100 m DNA in micron-scale channels. The method is comprised of a self-consistent coarse-grained Langevin description of the polymer dynamics and a numerical solution of the flow generated by the motion of polymer segments. Diffusivity and longest relaxation time show a broad crossover from free-solution to confined behavior centered about the point HϷ10S b , where H is the channel width and S b is the free-solution chain radius of gyration. In large channels, the diffusivity is similar to that of a sphere diffusing along the centerline of a pore. For highly confined chains (H/S b Ӷ1), Rouse-type molecular weight scaling is observed for both translational diffusivity and longest relaxation time. In the highly confined region, the scaling of equilibrium length and relaxation time with H/S b are in good agreement with scaling theories. In agreement with the results of Harden and Doi ͓J. Phys. Chem. 96, 4046 ͑1992͔͒, we find that the diffusivity of highly confined chains does not follow the scaling relation predicted by Brochard and de Gennes ͓J. Chem. Phys. 67, 52 ͑1977͔͒; that relationship does not account for the interaction between chain and wall.