For oriented −1-shifted symplectic derived Artin stacks, Ben-Bassat-Brav-Bussi-Joyce introduced certain perverse sheaves on them which can be regarded as sheaf theoretic categorifications of the Donaldson-Thomas invariants. In this paper, we prove that the hypercohomology of the above perverse sheaf on the −1-shifted cotangent stack over a quasi-smooth derived Artin stack is isomorphic to the Borel-Moore homology of the base stack up to a certain shift of degree. This is a global version of the dimensional reduction theorem due to Davison.We give two applications of our main theorem. Firstly, we apply it to the study of the cohomological Donaldson-Thomas invariants for local surfaces. Secondly, regarding our main theorem as a version of Thom isomorphism theorem for dual obstruction cones, we propose a sheaf theoretic construction of the virtual fundamental classes for quasi-smooth derived Artin stacks. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Shifted symplectic structures and vanishing cycles 5 3. Dimensional reduction for schemes 16 4. Dimensional reduction for stacks 21 5. Applications 36 Appendix A. Remarks on the determinant functor 39 References 44. By taking the derived functor of f * we obtain Rf * . When f is a smooth morphism, f * is nothing but the restriction functor. In general f * is constructed by taking simplicial covers, but we use pullback functors only for smooth morphisms in this paper, so we do not need this general construction. To define Rf ! and f ! we use the Verdier duality functor. Arguing as in [LO08, §3], we can construct the dualizing complex ω X ∈ D (b) c (X lis−an , Q) and define the Verdier duality functor D X := RHom(−, ω X ) : D (−) c (X lis−an , Q) op → D (+) c (X lis−an , Q).