Although the cerebral cortex is thought to be composed of functionally distinct areas, the actual parcellation of area and assignment of function are still highly controversial. An example is the much-studied lateral intraparietal cortex (LIP). Despite the general agreement that LIP plays an important role in visualoculomotor transformation, it remains unclear whether the area is primary sensory-or motor-related (the attention-intention debate). Although LIP has been considered as a functionally unitary area, its dorsal (LIPd) and ventral (LIPv) parts differ in local morphology and long-distance connectivity. In particular, LIPv has much stronger connections with two oculomotor centers, the frontal eye field and the deep layers of the superior colliculus, than does LIPd. Such anatomical distinctions imply that compared with LIPd, LIPv might be more involved in oculomotor processing. We tested this hypothesis physiologically with a memory saccade task and a gap saccade task. We found that LIP neurons with persistent memory activities in memory saccade are primarily provoked either by visual stimulation (vision-related) or by both visual and saccadic events (vision-saccade-related) in gap saccade. The distribution changes from predominantly vision-related to predominantly vision-saccaderelated as the recording depth increases along the dorsal-ventral dimension. Consistently, the simultaneously recorded local field potential also changes from visual evoked to saccade evoked. Finally, local injection of muscimol (GABA agonist) in LIPv, but not in LIPd, dramatically decreases the proportion of express saccades. With these results, we conclude that LIPd and LIPv are more involved in visual and visual-saccadic processing, respectively.T he lateral intraparietal cortex (LIP), a subregion of the posterior parietal cortex in humans and macaques, is a node connecting the visual and saccadic circuits (1, 2). Neurons in LIP discharge during visually evoked saccadic eye movements (3, 4). In particular, many LIP neurons persistently discharge throughout the delay interval during the memory-guided saccades (5-7). Such persistent activity has been associated with visuomotor transformation (8), working memory (8, 9), visual attention (10), saccadic intention (6), and other cognitive functions (11-17). The involvement of the persistent activity in many cognitive functions has hindered our understanding of LIP's role in processing vision-and saccaderelated information. For instance, a large body of evidence has indicated that the persistent activity reflects selective spatial attention and priority map formation (4,7,10,18). In contrast, a similar amount of evidence has suggested that the persistent activity represents motor plans for the impending saccades (3,6,19). We attempted to resolve this long-standing controversy by considering the physiology of LIP in the context of its anatomical structure.Although LIP is usually considered as a functionally unitary area, it is actually composed of two anatomically distinct subdivisions: ...