We examine the theory of connective algebraic K-theory, CK, defined by taking the -1 connective cover of algebraic K-theory with respect to Voevodsky's slice tower in the motivic stable homotopy category. We extend CK to a bi-graded oriented duality theory (CK ′ * , * , CK * , * ) in case the base scheme is the spectrum of a field k of characteristic zero. The homology theory CK ′ * , * may be viewed as connective algebraic G-theory. We identify CK ′ 2n,n (X) for X a finite type k-scheme with the image of, where M (n) (X) is the abelian category of coherent sheaves on X with support in dimension at most n; this agrees with the (2n,n) part of the theory of connective algebraic K-theory defined by Cai. We also show that the classifying map from algebraic cobordism identifies CK ′ 2 * , * with the universal oriented Borel-Morel homology theory Ω CK *As an application, we show that every pure dimension d finite type k scheme has a well-defined fundamental class [X] CK in Ω CK d (X), and this fundamental class is functorial with respect to pull-back for lci morphisms. Furthermore, the fundamental class [X] CK maps to the usual fundamental classes [X] Chow , reap. [X] K under the natural mapsgiven by inverting β, resp. moding out by β.