A recent experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 073902 (2009)] has demonstrated that elliptically polarized highorder harmonic generation can be produced from linearly polarized driving fields for aligned molecular systems. In order to reveal the underlying physical mechanisms of elliptical harmonics, we present fully ab initio and high-precision calculations and analyses of the amplitude, phase, and polarization state of the harmonic radiation from molecular hydrogen ions with arbitrary orientation. We find that high ellipticity arises from molecular orbital symmetry and two-center interference effects. Our ab initio exploration and findings lead to a general rule that the ellipticity becomes high for molecular orbitals represented by a symmetric combination of atomic orbitals, whereas it becomes low for molecular orbitals represented by an antisymmetric combination. This finding also applies to the general case of aligned linear molecules. High-order harmonic generation (HHG) is one of the most rapidly developing topics in strong-field atomic, molecular, and optical physics today, leading to the recent advancement of the attosecond science [1][2][3] and the feasibility of frequency-comb generation in the extreme ultraviolet to vacuum ultraviolet regimes [4][5][6][7], etc. Traditionally, the power (or radiation energy) spectra have been the main topic of HHG studies both experimentally and theoretically. However, recent developments in molecular alignment technology [8] open a possibility of investigating other HHG properties including the phase [9-11] and polarization [12][13][14] of the harmonic radiation.For ensembles of atoms or unaligned molecules, the polarization of the harmonics is expected to be the same as the polarization of the driving laser field. For aligned molecules, however, the harmonic radiation has two components: one parallel and another perpendicular to the laser polarization direction. Experiments [12,13] showed that the linear polarization state of HHG driven by linearly polarized laser fields is tilted due to the nonvanishing perpendicular component of HHG. Recently, the elliptical polarization state of HHG driven by linearly polarized laser fields has been measured [14]; speculations on its possible origins include, for example, multielectron effects and the influence of the Coulomb potential. An experiment [14] showed high ellipticity for N 2 HHG but no ellipticity for CO 2 HHG. Controversially, a theory including multiple electronic continuum dynamics predicts elliptical HHG from aligned CO 2 [15]. In general, according to the selection rules [16], elliptical harmonic radiation is expected unless the molecular alignment is parallel or perpendicular to the driving laser polarization. The widely used strong-field approximation (SFA), however, cannot predict this ellipticity of HHG at all because only the parallel component Since the mechanism of the elliptical HHG is still under debate and largely unknown, it is most desirable and timely to perform a fully ab initio study to explore and cla...