We discuss a novel type of fractional flux vortices along with integer flux vortices in KosterlitzThouless transitions in a triplet superconductor. We show that under certain conditions a spintriplet superconductor should exhibit a novel state of spin superfluidity without superconductivity.Superconductors with triplet pairing allow for a rich variety of topological defects and phase transitions [1,2,3,4,5,6]. For example in p-wave superconductors there exist different realizations of fractional vortices such as: the half-quantum vortex (the Alice string), which is a vortex where phase changes by π and spin is reversed when we go around the vortex core, fractional vortices trapped on a grain boundary, fractional flux trapped by twisted wire and other possibilities (for an excellent review see [1,2]). Another subject which was intensively studied is the split phase transitions in triplet systems (e.g. in the presence of disorder or magnetic field) [2,4,5]. There have also been particularly interesting studies of split transitions in a neutral p-wave superfluid in connection with thin films of liquid 3 He [7,8]. Also the related questions of various partial symmetry breakdowns are relevant and were studied in spin-1 Bose condensates in optical traps [9] and bilayer Quantum Hall systems [10]. In this Letter we discuss the effect of flux fractionalization due to spin-orbit coupling, as well as the appearance of neutral vortices in triplet superconductors and discuss its influence on the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) transitions. Based on topological arguments we predict the existence of a novel type of ordering in spin-triplet system -the spin-superfluid nonsuperconducting state.We consider a model spin triplet superconductor similar to one considered in [5] with order parameter Ψ a (r) = √ n(x)ζ a (x) where (a = 1, 0, −1) and ζ is a normalized spinor ζ † · ζ = 1. If one neglects mixed gradient terms, the free energy density can be written as [5,6,11,12]: