“…V arious spectroscopy techniques such as x-ray absorption, x-ray emission, an d p h o to electro n spectroscopies (xas, xes, and xps) give an im p o rta n t inform ation a b o u t th e electronic stru c tu re of th e H M F and related com pounds, such as ferrom agnetic sem iconductors and colossal m agnetore sistance m aterials (see, e.g., Refs. [51,52,53,54]). It is well know n th a t the m an y -b o d y effects, p a rtic u larly dynam ical core hole screening, m ay be im p o rta n t for a core level spectroscopy even in th e case th a t a system is not stro n g ly co rrelated in th e in itial s ta te [55,56].…”