“…This se ries is de vel oped as black or dark grey organic-rich and metal sul phide-con tain ing fa cies ("re duced zone"), and as red-stained or ganic mat ter-de pleted and iron oxide-bear ing rocks ("ox i dized zone" = "Rote Fäule"). The Rote Fäule is a zone of post-depositional ox i da tive al ter ation ex hib it ing he ma tite min er ali sa tion heavily over print ing sul phide min er als (Rydzewski, 1978;Jowett et al, 1987;Oszcze palski, 1989Oszcze palski, , 1994Oszcze palski, , 1999Oszczepalski and Rydzewski, 1991), and fea tures in dic a tive of ex ten sive de struc tion of or ganic mat ter, trans for mation of clay min er als, and sta ble iso tope vari a tions (Speczik and Püttmann, 1987;Püttmann et al, 1989;Bechtel et al, 1999Bechtel et al, , 2001aBechtel et al, , 2002Kucha and Przyby ³owicz, 1999;Speczik et al, 2003). The met als are dis tinctly zoned not only ver ti cally, but also lat er ally in belts pre dom i nated by copper, lead, zinc and py rite min er ali sa tion, which sur round suc cessively the Rote Fäule ar eas in di cat ing di rec tion of ore flu ids flow (Oszczepalski and Rydzewski, 1997;Oszczepalski et al, 2016).…”