SYNOPSISSecondary p relaxation of polyethylene blends ( 5 0 / 5 0 HDPE/LDPE) were studied by photoluminescence of anthracene molecules dissolved in the polymer bulk. The temperature of the p relaxation has been determined as To = -40°C by the dependence of the ratio of vibronic components of the fluorescence band on the temperature. The molecular mechanism of this relaxation has been discussed considering the possibility of the energy migration involving anthracene molecules in the singlet electronic excited and ground states.
IN TRO DU CTI 0 NThe studies of high density polyethylene/low density polyethylene ( HDPE/LDPE) blends are relevant from both the fundamental and technological point of view because the applications of these materials are strongly dependent on their morphology. The morphology is dependent on the chemical structure of the polyethylene, on the crystallization processes, and in the case of blends, on the composition and types of the polymers. In general this research field is related to the studies of morphology that try to establish the conditions of preparation of the blends involving co-crystallization or segregation between the phases. Rault et a1.l.' studied 50/50 HDPE/LDPE blends by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and described the scattering in terms of a paracrystalline model having a bimodal distribution of the crystalline phases. They concluded that the phase segregation, the morphology, and the crystalline index of each phase are controlled by the weight-average dimension of the coils in the melted state before the crystallization and that the entangled amorphous chains take an important role on the interlamellae crystallization. The entanglements in the melted * To whom correspondence should be addressed. Other studies of crystallization of 50/50 HDPE/ LDPE blends by SAXS suggested that the HDPE component in the blend dominates the process during the early stage and the kinetic process is hardly affected by the LDPE component. The LDPE would separate out to form an amorphous gap between the lamella stacking formed mainly by the HDPE component. These components are crystallized separately on an interlamellar scale and no co-crystallization was obtained. Segregation of the homopolymers is obtained in the case of 50/50 blend upon slow cooling, isothermal crystallization at two successive temperatures ( 110 and 100°C), and in rapidly cooled ( llO°C/min) preparation form^.^^^ From quite general phase diagrams Keller et a1.5y6 established some polymer properties of the polyethylene that could produce greater phase separation: higher branch content in polyethylene chains, higher molecular weight of linear polyethylene, and broader molecular mass grades of branched or linear polyethylenes.Although there are many studies about the morphology of the polyethylene blends, there are only a few works about relaxation processes in these blends. Even for polyethylene the assignments for the a, p, and y relaxations and the glass-transition temperature are c o n t r~v e r s i a l .~-~~ In this ...