Abstract. -We rigorously derive the Ornstein-Zernike asymptotics of the pair-correlation functions for finite-range Ising ferromagnets in any dimensions and at any temperature above critical.The celebrated heuristic argument by Ornstein and Zernike [1] implies that the asymptotic form of the truncated two-point density correlation function of simple fluids away from the critical region is given bywhere the value of the inverse correlation length ξ β depends only on the density ρ, the inverse temperature β and the spatial dimension d. The original OZ approach hinges on the assumption that the so called direct correlation function C(·), which is de facto introduced through the renewal type relationis of an appropriately short range. Because of the physical significance of both the conclusions and of the underlying heuristic assumptions a number of works (see e.g. [2,3,4,5,6]) were devoted to attempts to put the theory on a rigorous basis, that is to derive (1) directly from the microscopic picture of intermolecular interactions. Most of these works, however, were based on expansion/perturbation techniques and required technical low density or high/low temperature assumptions and, thereby, addressed the situation when the parameters are far away from the critical region. Since the