Herpes zoster is a disorder caused by the varicella zoster virus with the characteristics of multiple, painful and unilateral lesi-ons. This case report aims to describe the management of herpes zoster in preventing postherpetic complications in the elderly. A 64-year-old man complained of blisters on his left face and canker sores on the palate and inner cheek for 1 week ago. Two days earlier accompanied by fever 390C. Extraoral examination revealed a hemorrhagic serous crust on the left face, intraoral examination showed multiple ulcers with erosive lesions on the palate, left buccal mucosa and gingiva. The extraoral and in-traoral lesions are unilateral. The working diagnosis of this case was herpes zoster et left orofacial region. The therapy was gi-ven valacyclovir tablets 800mg 5 times/day, NaCl 0.9% compress on the face, and vitamin B complex with zinc. Improve-ment occurred after 1 week of treatment. Appropriate management of herpes zoster in elderly patient can prevent complica-tions of post herpetic neuralgia that most often occur in the elderly.