This is a continuation and also a supplement of the previous papers [5], [6] and [8] concerning orthodox semigroupsllIn [8], it has been shown that a quasi-inverse semigroup is isomorphic to a subdirect product of a left inverse semigroup and a right inverse semigroup.In this paper, we present a structure theorem for quasi-inverse semigroups and some relevant matters. e e E, define Seas follows: fse= efe, fs E. Then, (fh)8 e = efhe = efehe = (efe) (ehe) = (f6e) (h~ e) for f,h eE (since E is a regular band). Hence, 6 e is an endomorphism on E. This endomorphism 8 e is called the inner endomorphism on E induced by e. Now, let F be an inverse semigroup and A its basic semilattice (see [5]). Let B~ ~{B~ :~e A} be a regular band.i) In [6] and [7], the author used the terminology " a strictly regular semigroup " for " an orthodox semigroup " In this paper, we use the terminology " an orthodox semigroup " introduced by Hall [I].