A B S T R A C TAs exploration targets have become deeper, cable lengths have increased accordingly, making the conventional two term hyperbolic traveltime approximation produce increasingly erroneous traveltimes. To overcome this problem, many traveltime formulas were proposed in the literature that provide approximations of different quality. In this paper, we concentrate on simple traveltime approximations that depend on a single anisotropy parameter. We give an overview of a collection of such traveltime approximations found in the literature and compare their quality. Moreover, we propose some new single-parameter traveltime approximations based on the approximations found in the literature. The main advantage of our approximations is that some of them are rather simple analytic expressions that make them easy to use, while achieving the same quality as the better of the established formulas.
I N T R O D U C T I O NTraveltime approximations play a key role in the processing of reflection data. They are used in, for example, migration (Alkhalifah and Larner 1994; Vestrum, Lawton and Schmid 1999; Mukherjee, Sen and Stoffa 2001), moveout correction and velocity analysis (Tsvankin and Thomsen 1994;Alkhalifah and Tsvankin 1995;Fomel 2003) and remigration (Fomel 1994;Hubral, Tygel and Schleicher 1996;Schleicher and Aleixo 2007).The standard hyperbolic approximation (Dix 1955) of the P-wave reflection traveltime commonly used in seismic data processing is exact for a homogeneous isotropic medium and a planar reflector. It remains a good approximation for short offsets in layered media with not too strong lateral variations. However, as exploration targets have become deeper, cable lengths have increased accordingly. Increased offsets have made the conventional two term hyperbolic equation produce increasingly erroneous traveltimes.to the reflection moveout to guarantee an accurate determination of the model parameters.Many attempts have been made over the years to provide higher-order reflection moveout equations that provide good approximations for higher offsets. Working with a layered earth model, Bolshix (1956) obtained a sixth-order equation that approximates traveltime. Later, Taner and Koehler (1969) provided a high-order approximation for traveltimes based on an exact Taylor-series expansion of the traveltime. May and Straley (1979) used orthogonal polynomials to derive a high-order traveltime approximation. These approximations based on polynomials, Taylor series or orthogonal polynomials are rather inaccurate for larger offsets. Therefore, other approximations are necessary.To improve accuracy, particularly for large offsets, various authors proposed a shifted-hyperbola approximation (Malovichko 1978;Claerbout 1987;de Bazelaire 1988;Castle 1994). This equation describes a hyperbola that is symmetric about the t-axis and has asymptotes that intersect the time axis x = 0 at a time t = τ s that is different from the zero-offset traveltime τ 0 . The shifted hyperbola proposed by Claerbout (1987) contains a fre...