The genetic variation in the V3 loop obstruction component of gp120 HIV glycoprotein is defined as a solitary standing wave function with the transition state between the interaction of wave function in the DNA and RNA hidden states. It is a parasitism co-state generated from the coupling between two pairs of hidden 8 states of Laurent polynomial in the Chern-Simons current of HIV genotypes. A modified Nahm equation for a biology with Lax pairs is defined as the pairs of viral glycoprotein states with the transition between DNA and RNA in the reverse transcription process. The direction in the spinor field with genetic variation in 30 samples of the V3 loop time series with hidden 8 states of Laurent polynomial over the Chern-Simons current is predicted using a support spinor machine and convolutional neural network based on the imaging technique generated from tensor correlation network.We assume that the transcription process from the DNA to RNA and to a protein is a chain with the exact sequence in cohomology theory for biology. We cannot separate the DNA from RNA and the protein. It also happens in the transition state, which means that every state of an amino acid is a mixed state. One amino acid is linked with the other amino acids with an affine Poincare group with modulo SO(3, 1). [40] The derivation of a distribution in gene expression shows us the coupling transition protein states as an interaction of