This paper presents the application of a thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical (THCM) model to the design of actual massive structures with a system to restrain the strain at early age (thermal strains and autogenous shrinkage). The experimental campaign was performed in the French national project The modelling of early-age behaviour of reinforced concrete is first based on a hydration model, which is able to reproduce the variations of temperature, water content and mechanical properties according to hydration. Then a non-linear mechanical model is used (combining creep and damage models, both adapted to hardening concrete). The comparison between numerical results (obtained with a calculation time of around 12 h on an ordinary computer) shows that the models are able to reproduce the early-age behaviour of restrained reinforcement concrete structures (in terms of strains, global forces and crack patterns). Using steel-concrete interface elements (adapted to early age), the models are also able to reproduce the influence of reinforcement on cracking.
IntroductionThe work presented here was performed in the context of the French national project CEOS (see introductory editorial of this special issue). The study is part of the second key component of the project dealing with the concrete behaviour under thermo-hydrochemo-mechanical (THCM) loads. One of the objectives of this component was to construct some massive structures with strain restraint in order to test and validate the THCM models available in the French scientific community for predicting the early-age cracking of concrete structures. Once validated, these THCM models were used in the last part of the project to perform some numerical parametric studies and a more precise analysis of the effect of the reinforcement on the crack pattern of massive structures at early age.In the international literature, several recent studies have focused on the finite element modelling of this early-age behaviour of massive concrete structures. However, many of them are more concerned with validating a thermal model and propose a purely numerical analysis of mechanical aspects, used to identify some characteristic features of early-age behaviour aspects (Azenha, Faria, & Ferreira, 2011;Lackner & Mang,