DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00002
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Osa-miR169 Negatively Regulates Rice Immunity against the Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae

Abstract: miR169 is a conserved microRNA (miRNA) family involved in plant development and stress-induced responses. However, how miR169 functions in rice immunity remains unclear. Here, we show that miR169 acts as a negative regulator in rice immunity against the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae by repressing the expression of nuclear factor Y-A (NF-YA) genes. The accumulation of miR169 was significantly increased in a susceptible accession but slightly fluctuated in a resistant accession upon M. oryzae infection. Consis… Show more

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Cited by 115 publications
(158 citation statements)
References 54 publications
(94 reference statements)
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“…The miR169-NF-YA modules play crucial roles in plant growth, plant development, nutrition and abiotic stresses (Misson et al, 2005;Nelson et al, 2007;Pant et al, 2009;Liu & Howell, 2010). Most recently, miR169a has been implicated as a negative regulator in rice immunity against the blast fungus M. oryzae by repressing the expression of NF-YA genes (Li et al, 2017). MiR164 and two NAC and WRKY2 transcription factor targets that were affected by PgtSR1s are also known to play important roles in response to abiotic and biotic stresses (Pandey & Somssich, 2009;Nuruzzaman et al, 2013).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The miR169-NF-YA modules play crucial roles in plant growth, plant development, nutrition and abiotic stresses (Misson et al, 2005;Nelson et al, 2007;Pant et al, 2009;Liu & Howell, 2010). Most recently, miR169a has been implicated as a negative regulator in rice immunity against the blast fungus M. oryzae by repressing the expression of NF-YA genes (Li et al, 2017). MiR164 and two NAC and WRKY2 transcription factor targets that were affected by PgtSR1s are also known to play important roles in response to abiotic and biotic stresses (Pandey & Somssich, 2009;Nuruzzaman et al, 2013).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…YFP detection and accumulation was assayed as reported previously (Li et al ., ,b). In order to generate miR398 target‐site reporter fusions, we fused yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) with either the target site of Superoxide DismutaseX ( SODX ) at its N‐terminus ( 35S:SODX ts ‐YFP ) or with a mutated target site ( 35S:SODX mts ‐YFP ) that could not be recognized by miR398b.…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…2a), many of which belonged to known miRNA families including miR156, miRNA160, miR166, miR169, miR1846, miR1861 and miR319 (Additional file 3: Table S2). Members of the miRNA families were reported to be involved not only in growth, development, grain size and hormone signaling, but also in response to biotic and abiotic stress [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31]. These BPH6 responsive DEMs might be involved in response to BPH.…”
Section: Identification Of Mirnas Related To Bph Resistancementioning
confidence: 99%
“…miRNAs specifically regulate target gene expression through binding complementary sequences to degrade mRNA or inhibit translation [19]. Plant miRNAs are involved in many development processes, including hormone signal transduction, and leaf, floral, shoot, root and vascular development [20][21][22], and play significant roles in abiotic and biotic stress responses [23][24][25][26][27][28]. miR160 is associated with local defense and systemic acquired resistance to potato late blight [24].…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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