We derive an equation that governs the spatiotemporal dynamics of small amplitude alternans in paced cardiac tissue. We show that a pattern-forming linear instability leads to the spontaneous formation of stationary or traveling waves whose nodes divide the tissue into regions with opposite phase of oscillation of action potential duration. This instability is important because it creates dynamically a heterogeneous electrical substrate for the formation of conduction blocks and the induction of fibrillation if the tissue size exceeds a fraction of the pattern wavelength. We derive an analytical expression for this wavelength as a function of three basic length scales related to dispersion and intercellular electrical coupling. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.208101 PACS numbers: 87.19.Hh, 05.45. -a, 05.45.Gg, 89.75. -k It is well established that the duration of cardiac excitation can oscillate from beat to beat at sufficiently short pacing interval [1]. Pioneering studies by Nolasco and Dahlen [2] and Guevara et al. [3] have demonstrated that the generic sequence LSLS . . . of long and short action potential duration (APD), known as alternans, is a direct consequence of the restitution relationshipbetween the APD generated by the nth 1 1 stimulus, APD n11 , and the diastolic time interval DI n during which the tissue recovers its resting properties after the end of the previous ͑nth͒ action potential. If we denote the interval between the nth and nth 1 1 stimulus by T n , we must have DI n T n 2 APD n . Then, for a fixed period: T n t for all n, Eq. (1) yields the map APD n f͑t 2 APD n21 ͒, whose slope f 0 typically increases with decreasing period. If the slope of the restitution curve exceeds unity, the map undergoes a period doubling bifurcation to alternans.Over the last decade, the study of alternans [4 -11], and their control [12], has become a main focus of research because of the potentially crucial link of this dynamical instability with cardiac fibrillation [13]. However, there is presently no simple analytical understanding of how the bifurcation to alternans is manifested spatiotemporally in paced cardiac tissue. Analytical progress to date is limited to the one-dimensional circulation of electrical impulse in a ring of tissue [5 -7].In this Letter, we derive an equation that governs the spatiotemporal dynamics of alternans close to the onset of instability. This enables us to obtain a quantitative analytical understanding of the formation of recently observed complex patterns of APD oscillations that can promote fibrillation [8 -11]. A crucial feature of these patterns is that the APD oscillates with opposite phases in two (or more) spatially extended regions of tissue, i.e., with a sequence LSLS . . . in one region and SLSL . . . in the other. These "discordant alternans" have been observed experimentally in both two-dimensional [8] and linear strands [9] of cardiac tissue, as well as in ionic model simulations [9][10][11]. Moreover, they have been shown to lead to the formation of conduction bl...