E. I. Jury, Theory and Application of the 2-Transform Method. New York: E. I. Jury and B. W. Lee, "The absolute stability of systems with many Huntington, 1964. A. N. Michel and R. K. Miller, "Stability analysis of discretetime interconnected nonlinearities." Automat. Remote Contr., vol. 26, pp. 943-961, 1965. systems via computer-generated Lyapunov functions uzith application to digital fdters," IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst., vol. CAS-32, pp. 737-753, Aug. 1985. M. S. Mousa, R. K. Miller, and A. N. Michel, "Stability analysis of hybrid composite dynamical systems: Descriptions involving operators and difference equations," . WE1A6stract-This note presents a widely convergent algorithm for finding a limit cycle of systems with multiple nonlinearities. A systematic approach is proposed for constructing the limit cycle loci on the parameter planes. The merits of this approach lie in its simplicity, generality, and ability to provide deeper insight into parameter influences on the limit cycle. Besides, stability of the limit cycle can be predicted with a minimum amount of computations.