We investigate the effect of electrical charge on the normal mode frequencies of electrically-charged diamagnetically levitated water droplets with radii 4.5-7.5 mm using diamagnetic levitation. This technique allows us to levitate almost spherical droplets and therefore to directly compare the measured vibrational frequencies of the first seven modes of the charged droplet with theoretical values calculated by Lord Rayleigh, for which we find good agreement.Understanding how electrically-charged liquid droplets vibrate, distort and shatter is important in high technology areas such as ink jet printing and electrospray ionization for mass-spectrometry of biomolecules. The quiescent shapes and dynamics of the charged drop influence the echos returned from rainfall radar, affect raindrop breakup, and possibly lightning activity 1-3 . Based on some recent reports 4,5 , we anticipate that the effects of charge on the vibrations of 'liquid marbles', microliter powder-coated droplets with applications in microfluidics 6 , may also become an interesting topic for future study. The charged liquid droplet is the basis of Bohr and Wheeler's liquid drop model of the atomic nucleus and one might hope to gain new insights into the nucleus and its fission by studying the dynamics of this classical system.The starting point for understanding these areas is Lord Rayleigh's calculation of the frequency of the normal modes of an electrically-charged droplet, made in 1882 7 . However, it has been surprisingly difficult to verify experimentally Rayleigh's result directly, owing to the requirement that the droplet be spherical and the measurement taken without contacting the liquid.Brazier-Smith et al. measured the oscillations of a single 1.05 mm radius water droplet suspended on a wire, as a function of voltage 1 , and Saunders and Wang verified this result for droplet radii up to 2.8 mm using air-flow to suspend the droplets 8 . They obtained good agreement with theory for the fundamental mode, but were unable to measure the oscillations of higher order modes. Trinh et al. obtained measurements of the first three modes using a hybrid acoustic and electrostatic levitation technique, but were unable to compare their results directly with Rayleigh's theory, owing to the non-spherical equilibrium shape of the droplet levitated in this way 9 . The equilibrium shape of an acoustically-levitated or air-flow levitated droplet is non-spherical because the gravitational force on the whole droplet is balanced only at the liquid's surface. Hence, the droplet becomes distorted under its own weight. The frequency of the fundamental mode of small, 1-50 µ m diameter, nearly spherical water droplets, levitated electrostatically, has been shown a) Electronic mail: richard.hill@nottingham.ac.uk to agree with Rayleigh's theory 10-13 , but measurements of the frequencies of higher order modes have not been made using this technique.Here, we use diamagnetic levitation to study the normal mode oscillations of an electrically-charged water droplet, with ...