We report the first detection of C 2 A 1 Π u -X 1 Σ + g (0,0) and CN A 2 Π u -X 2 Σ + (0,0) absorption bands in the interstellar medium. The detection was made using the near-infrared (0.91-1.35 µm) high-resolution (R = 20, 000 and 68,000) spectra of Cygnus OB2 No. 12 collected with the WINERED spectrograph mounted on the 1.3 m Araki telescope. The A-X (1,0) bands of C 2 and CN were detected simultaneously. These near-infrared bands have larger oscillator strengths, compared with the A-X (2,0) bands of C 2 and CN in the optical. In the spectrum of the C 2 (0,0) band with R = 68, 000, three velocity components in the line of sight could be resolved and the lines were detected up to high rotational levels (J ∼ 20). By analyzing the rotational distribution of C 2 , we could estimate the kinetic temperature and gas density of the clouds with high accuracy. Furthermore, we marginally detected weak lines of 12 C 13 C for the first time in the interstellar medium. Assuming that the rotational distribution and the oscillator strengths of the relevant transitions of 12 C 2 and 12 C 13 C are the same, the carbon isotope ratio was estimated to be 12 C/ 13 C = 50-100, which is consistent with the ratio in the local interstellar medium. We also calculated the oscillator strength ratio of the C 2 (0,0) and (1,0) bands from the observed band strengths. Unfortunately, our result could not discern theoretical and experimental results because of the uncertainties. High-resolution data to resolve the velocity components will be necessary for both bands in order to put stronger constraints on the oscillator strength ratios.