We show that a single dark soliton can exist in a spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas with a high spin imbalance, where spin-orbit coupling favors uniform superfluids over non-uniform Fulde-FerrellLarkin-Ovchinnikov states, leading to dark soliton excitations in highly imbalanced gases. Above a critical spin imbalance, two topological Majorana fermions (MFs) without interactions can coexist inside a dark soliton, paving a way for manipulating MFs through controlling solitons. At the topological transition point, the atom density contrast across the soliton suddenly vanishes, suggesting a signature for identifying topological solitons. Solitons, topological defects arising from the interplay between dispersion and nonlinearity of underlying systems, are significant for many different physical branches [1][2][3][4]. The realization of cold atomic superfluids provides a clean and controllable platform for exploring soliton physics. In cold atomic gases, dark solitons represent quantum excitations of a superfluid with the superfluid order parameter vanishing at the soliton center in conjunction with a phase jump across the soliton. Dark solitons have been extensively investigated in cold atoms [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]. In particular, dark solitons have recently been experimentally observed in strongly interacting spin balanced Fermi gases [14], where the Cooper pairing wave-function has a phase jump across the soliton [15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. However, dark solitons in the presence of a large spin imbalance have not been well explored.With a large spin imbalance, the ground state of the superfluid is theoretically predicted to be the spatially non-uniform Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase [22] with finite momentum pairing in 1D and quasi-1D [23][24][25][26][27][28], which is partially verified by the experiment [29]. This spatially non-uniform phase does not support dark soliton excitations that usually occur in BCS-type uniform superfluids. On the other hand, uniform superfluids can exist in large spin imbalanced Fermi gases [30] in the presence of spin-orbit (SO) coupling. Since SO coupling for cold atoms has been experimentally generated recently for both bosons and fermions [31][32][33][34][35][36], a natural question is whether such SO coupled superfluids with large spin imbalances can also support dark solitons.More interestingly, it is well known that defects (vortices, edges, etc.) in SO coupled fermionic superfluids with large spin imbalances can accommodate Majorana fermions (MFs) [37][38][39][40][41][42] In this Letter, we address these two important questions by studying dark solitons in degenerate Fermi gases (DFGs) trapped in 1D harmonic potentials with the experimentally already realized SO coupling and spin imbalances. Here the spin imbalance is equivalent to a Zeeman field. In the absence of SO coupling, the FFLO state [22] with an oscillating order parameter amplitude is the ground state [24] with a large Zeeman field, which cannot support dark solitons. With SO coupling, we find (i...