“…Radtke, J. Sponner, C. Jakobi, J. Schneider, M. Sommer, T. Teichmann, W. Ullrich, J. Henniger and T. Kormoll are with the IKTP (Institute of nuclear and particle physics), Dresden 01069 Germany (e-mail: radtke@asp.tudresden.de, sponner@asp.tu-dresden.de, jakobi@asp.tu-dresden.de, schneider@asp.tu-dresden.de, sommer@asp.tu-dresden.de, teichmann@asp.tu-dresden.de, ullrich@asp.tu-dresden.de, henniger@asp.tudresden.de, kormoll@asp.tu-dresden. de) For OSL, there are several possible luminophors, like CaF2 [1], BeO [2] or Al2O3 [3]. One suitable luminophore for OSL in personal dosimetry is beryllium oxide (BeO) because of its near tissue equivalent effective atomic number of 7,1 [4] [5].…”