A 63-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, sick sinus syndrome, and Hashimoto's thyroiditis was referred to our facility for evaluation of a mass in segment 8 of the liver. Abdominal computed tomography showed an enhancing mass in segment 8 measuring 5.8 cm. The liver biopsy showed a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, most consistent with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. A screening gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed a 7-mm sessile polyp in the antrum (Figure 1). The polyp showed reddish discoloration with erosive changes on the surface and was removed with a cold snare. No other abnormalities were identified in the stomach. Sections of the polyp showed fragments of antral-type gastric mucosa with foveolar hyperplasia, erosion, acute and chronic inflammation, and focal granulation tissue formation (Figure 2). In addition, multiple foci of woven bone formation without bone marrow surrounding dilated gastric foveolae were identified (Figure 3). No Helicobacter infection, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia, or malignancy was identified histologically. Foveolar hyperplastic polyp is a common gastric polyp usually found in the antrum and is considered as reactive changes to chronic gastritis, bile reflux, alcohol, and drugs. Histological features of foveolar hyperplastic polyp include tortuous or dilated gastric foveolae with edema, acute and chronic inflammation, and smooth muscle strands extending from the muscularis mucosae.Osseous metaplasia/heterotopic bone formation is a well-known finding reported in various neoplastic and non-neoplastic conditions. However, osseous metaplasia in foveolar hyperplastic polyps of the stomach is extremely rare. There have been only 4 previous case reports published in the English language, one of which described 2 cases in their report. 1-4 Among these reported 5 cases, 4 patients are men and 1 patient is a woman with ages ranging from 42 to 67 years (average age: 52.8 years). Two of 5 polyps are Figure 1. A 7-mm sessile polyp (arrow) in the antrum with reddish discoloration and erosive changes on the surface.