Active Rac1 are so imp for improving cytoskeletal systems and for improving anti-inflammatory processes by activating Plcγ2, IFN-beta and glucocorticoid-beta (which necessary for B arrestin synthesis which necessary for activating endothelial cells function through activating ACE functions). Tyrosine kinases function (contain TAT and TAC codons) are so necessary for activating Ang2-AT2 productions for adjusting heart contractions and preventing collagen, glycoproteins, and cholesterol accumulations. Angiotensin II type 2 receptors (Ang2 bind to AT2 receptors) are produced from Ang1-AT1 by ACE regulated functions in Tyr kinases-dependent (which contain TAT and TAC codons), where Tyr codons are playing imp roles in AT1 and AT2 activities play important roles in protecting heart and blood vessels from accumulated cholesterol and glycopeptides and from accumulated glycogen. The deficiency in synthetase and in Proline (which promote amino acids synthesis regulated by aminotransferase activities) can cause accumulation of purines nucleotides which Represents or leads to glutamate accumulation and lead to accumulation of glycogen synthase where glycogen accumulation due to Tyrosine Codons TAA and TAG accumulation in the form of glycopeptides and glycoprotein with decreasing in imp