Participation in physical activity and recreational sports is critical for maintaining overall health; athletic activities and reduction in the incidence of several "lifestyle" diseases seem to have a dose-dependent relationship. Also, quality of life is enhanced in people who are active and regularly participate in sports. However, sports-related joint loading and strenuous occupational loading have been shown to increase the risk of osteoarthritis (OA), which seems to have a multifactorial etiology. This article reviews the literature on known connections between participation in sports and athletic activities and development of secondary OA in the joints of the major upper and lower limbs (ie, knee, hip, elbow, and shoulder) in athletes without injury. Most studies examining the connection between participation in sports and later development of OA usually provide low-level evidence and have many methodological weaknesses. Based on the literature reviewed in this article, it may be concluded that the connection between participation in athletic activities and development of OA has not been proven; however, the condition is highly likely to occur in the hip and knee joints. Definite conclusions regarding the connection between development of glenohumeral and/or elbow OA and participation in athletic activities cannot be drawn.