Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) forms a synovial articulation between the condyle and the cranium. It is a complex joint and shows hinge and gliding movements. Unlike other articulating heads, condyle grows with intramembranous ossification. TMJ is subjected to excessive loads throughout life as it supports essential functions such as mastication, deglutition, speech and respiration. Traumatic, neoplastic or non-neoplastic pathologies sometimes necessitate joint replacement therapy. Osteochondroma is one such benign tumour originating from condyle which requires surgical replacement of condyle with prosthesis. Various replacement methods have been designed in the past. Alloplastic grafts have been successfully used in joint replacement surgeries like hip joint, knee joint, etc. This case discussion supports the use of titanium-made condylar prosthesis for long-term functional stability of TMJ.