In the current revised 4th edition of the World Health Organization (WHO) classification,
‘other iatrogenic immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders (Oii-LPDs)’ is
listed in the last section in the chapter on immunodeficiency-associated
lymphoproliferative disorders. Oii-LPDs cover a broad spectrum from benign lesions to
lymphoma, and correspond to one of the subtypes in the WHO classification for
immunocompetent patients.
The WHO classification does not clearly indicate the histological subtype of this disease
category; however, the framework of subtype classification is similar to the
classification of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders, and recent studies have
attempted to subcategorize Oii-LPDs that fit this unique disease type. In this review, we
provide an overview of B-cell-type Oii-LPDs regarding their histopathology and
immunophenotype, genetics and clinical behaviors.