Multiple large round well circumscribed pulmonary nodules in lungs are known as cannon ball secondaries. There are malignant and non-malignant causes of cannon ball secondaries. In case of malignancy, they represent classical haematogenous dissemination to the lungs of a primary malignant tumor. Secondaries to lung from renal cell carcinoma and choriocarcinoma are necrotic. The less common primary tumors causing cannon ball secondaries to lung includes prostate carcinoma, synovial sarcoma, endometrial carcinoma and some gastrointestinal malignancies. Here we presented a very rare case, maybe first of its kind of multiple cavitating cannon ball secondaries where primary malignancy was in lung itself which was EGFR positive adenocarcinoma lung. This case was also rare as cavitation is largely a feature of squamous cell carcinoma lung both of primary and metastatic lung malignancy.