While noise exposure is the most significant contributor to occupational hearing loss, evidence gained over the last 10 years, has pointed to organic solvents as additional contributors to occupational hearing disorders. Despite the implications of this finding, no significant measure has been undertaken to limit exposure to occupational solvents, or to occupational solvents and noise, within the European community. Guidelines for improving hearing protection of people exposed to solvents, or to solvents and noise, are addressed in the present article. Recently, it has been shown that the lowest-observed-adverseeffect level (LOAEL) of styrene was 300 ppm in active (working wheel) rats, and that the same amount of styrene-induced hearing loss (SIHL) can be obtained with styrene concentration difference of 200 ppm between active and sedentary (inactive) rats. Supported by a reasonable safety factor (SF) of 10, the authors proposed to decrease the French threshold limit value of styrene from 50 to 30 ppm (RfD = LOAEL/SF) to ensure a higher level of protection for human hearing. It is widely acknowledged that outer hair cells in the organ of Corti can be considered as the first target tissue of solvents, while little is known about the action of aromatic solvents on the auditory efferent system. In a recent experiment using both the cochlear microphonic and compound action potentials, the authors have shown that toluene can inhibit the action of the middle ear reflex by modifying the cholinergic receptors. It is likely that toluene affects the cholinergic receptors at the brainstem level. By its anticholinergic-like effect, toluene could allow higher acoustic energy penetration into the cochlea exposed to both noise and solvent. Based on this phenomenon, the authors recommend the use of hearing protection for the lower exposure action value: Lex, 8h = 80 dB(A) in noisy environments polluted by solvents.