The prognosis of patients presenting with Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) is generally considered to be favorable. However, in the acute phase of the disorder complications are not infrequent and, therefore, continuous monitoring and consistent therapy in an intensive care unit is essential. Typical complications in patients with TTC are cardiogenic shock, obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT), occasionally accompanied by acute mitral regurgitation, arrhythmias, predominantly torsade de pointes tachycardias due to QT prolongation, left ventricular (LV) thrombus formation with or without consecutive thromboembolic events, and LV rupture. After confirmation of TTC by coronary angiography, repeat echocardiography should be performed. A standardized therapy for patients with TTC has so far not been established. Recommendations for the acute phase include the administration of anxiolytic agents for patients who present with preceding emotional stress, consistent therapy of physical stressors (such as pain or asthma) and avoidance of catecholamine therapy. Shock due to LVOT obstruction is treated by administration of volume and β-blockers. With respect to the occurrence of torsade de pointes tachycardias, drugs which might cause QT prolongation should not be given. The notable incidence of LV thrombus formation justifies therapeutic anticoagulation. Systematic studies and treatment recommendations for the prophylaxis of recurrent TTC do not exist. The recently reported association between TTC and malignant disorders should prompt tumor screening and subsequent preventive medical checkups in patients affected by TTC.