The climate is cool, moist, overcast, and windy (Burk 1965). At Sand Point, the mean air temperature ranges from -0.6 °C in February to 11.6 °C in August and averages 4.8 °C across the entire year. Mean monthly precipitation ranges from 6.1 cm in April to 16.0 cm in September and averages 9.5 cm; rain falls on average 145 days/year. Mean and maximal monthly wind speeds average 17.9 and 32.9 km/hr, respectively. The sea-surface temperature ranges from 3.3 °C in March to 11.7 °C in August and averages 6.9 °C (USDOC 2020).The islands' terrestrial habitat (Figure 2) is a mosaic of bare rock, lichens and mosses, grasses and herbaceous plants, shrubs, and introduced trees, a combination resulting from the effects of climate, recent glaciation, and the archipelago's distance from the Alaska Peninsula (Bailey 1978, Talbot et al. 2002, Daniëls et al. 2004). The area is naturally treeless, although a few Sitka spruces (Picea sitchensis) have been planted on Unga, Popof, Little Koniuji, and Simeonof. Medium to tall (up to ~3-3.5 m high) thickets of shrubs, Sitka alder (Alnus viridis), salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), elderberry (Sambucus racemosa), and willow (Salix spp.) occur in the lowlands, primarily on the inner islands; on the outer islands shrubs are generally low (≤1 m) but grow to 2-2.5 m in protected areas. Other lowland vegetation consists of grasses (primarily Leymus and Calamagrostis), umbelliferous plants (primarily Heracleum and Angelica), and, occasionally, ferns (Athyrium). Above 250-300 m elevation, the vegetation is procumbent and composed of lichens, mosses, and heaths (e.g., Empetrum, Vaccinium). Offshore islets and rocks have the grass-umbellifer assemblage, and a few have small patches of shrubs.Three to five species of terrestrial mammals are native to the Shumagins. The tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus popofensis) occurs only on the inner Shumagins, on Unga and Popof (Murie 1959, MacDonald and Cook 2009), Henderson (Bailey and McCargo 1984, and possibly Andronica (Fay and Sease 1985). The dusky shrew (Sorex monticola) occurs on Unga, Popof, and probably all of the medium-sized and large islands in the outer Shumagins