A woman with a prolactinoma is usually infertile. Dopamine agonists usually restore ovulation and fertility and such treatment generally is preferred over transsphenoidal surgery because of higher efficacy and safety. Cabergoline is usually preferred over bromocriptine because of its better efficacy with fewer adverse effects. Either drug increases the rates of spontaneous abortions, preterm deliveries, multiple births, or congenital malformations over what may be expected. However, the number of pregnancies reporting such experience is about sevenfold greater for bromocriptine. Tumor growth causing significant symptoms and requiring intervention has been reported to occur in 2.4% of those with microadenomas, 21% in those with macroadenomas without prior surgery or irradiation, and 4.7% of those with macroadenomas with prior surgery or irradiation. Visual fields should be assessed periodically during gestation in women with macroadenomas. If significant tumor growth occurs, most patients respond well to reinstitution of the dopamine agonist. Delivery of the baby and placenta can also be considered if the pregnancy is sufficiently advanced. Transsphenoidal debulking of the tumor is rarely necessary.
Prolactin and fertilityWomen with hyperprolactinemia usually present with symptoms of galactorrhea, menstrual disorders (usually amenorrhea), and infertility. Hyperprolactinemia decreases luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse amplitude and frequency through suppression of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GNRH) (1, 2). This effect appears to be mediated by an earlier step of suppressing the generation of kisspeptin, a protein made by neurons in the arcuate and periventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus, which stimulates GNRH release (3). Hyperprolactinemia has been associated with loss of the positive estrogen feedback on gonadotropin secretion at mid-cycle (4) but whether this effect is mediated through kisspeptin is not known.Direct prolactin (PRL) effects on ovarian granulosa cells include stimulation of the expression of type 2