ABSTRACTplanted because of failure to several TKIs. Therefore, the question of when relapse should be treated with DLI or TKI remains important.
MethodsThis study was conducted by the Chronic Malignancies Working Party (CMWP) of the EBMT (European Group for Blood and Marrow transplantation). We set out to study patients who had had their relapse first detected as molecular relapse. The initial total sample included 1045 patients from 138 EBMT centers who had received DLI as treatment of relapse at any disease stage (molecular or more advanced) between 1993 and 2004. Specific questionnaires related to DLI, including the diagnosis of molecular relapse, were circulated. Out of 1045 patients, we received completed DLI questionnaires from 344 patients from 31 centers; therefore, 701 failed to complete a questionnaire. Out of the 344 patients who did provide a completed questionnaire, 156 (45%) were excluded from the analysis as their relapse had first been detected at a more advanced stage than molecular relapse. Patients in whom the type of relapse was not known (n=33) were also not included in the study. The study, therefore, included 155 patients who had been diagnosed with molecular relapse.
Donor lymphocyte infusionLymphocytes were collected from the donors by leukapheresis on one or more occasions. Infusions had to be given on multiple days at least seven days apart to be counted as separate infusions. Thirty-four (10%) patients treated with DLI had active GvHD at the time of infusion and 27 patients (8%) were still receiving some form of immunosuppressive therapy. Ten patients received concomitant imatinib therapy with DLI.
RelapseRelapse was classified as molecular (i.e. any level of BCR-ABL transcripts detected by quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in 2 consecutive tests performed over a minimum of 4 weeks), cytogenetic (i.e. reappearance of one or more Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph + ) metaphases at bone marrow cytogenetics), or hematologic (i.e. presence of peripheral blood leukocytosis accompanied by a hypercellular bone marrow with Ph + chromosome on cytogenetic analysis) in accordance with previous reports.11,13,14 CML phase was classified in accordance with criteria proposed by Speck et al.
Statistical analysisOverall survival was calculated from the date of the first infusion of donor lymphocytes until death or last follow up. Event-free survival (EFS) was calculated from the date of the first infusion of donor cells until event or last follow-up. An event was defined as DLI for CML molecular relapse after allo-BMT for CML haematologica | 2014; 99 (9) 1493 Table 1. Outcome of patients receiving DLI for CML molecular relapse.
N. 155Acute GvHD post-DLI