Bi-plane correlation imaging (BCI) is a new imaging approach that utilizes angular information from a bi-plane digital acquisition in conjunction with computer assisted detection (CAD) to reduce the degrading influence of anatomical noise in the detection of subtle lesions in planar images. An anthropomorphic chest phantom, supplemented with added nodule phantoms (5-13 mm at the image plane), was imaged from different posterior projections within a ±12 o range by moving the x-ray tube vertically and horizontally with respect to the detector. Each image was analyzed using a basic front-end single-view CAD algorithm. The correlation of the suspect lesions from the PA view with those from each of the oblique views was examined using a priori knowledge of the acquisition geometry. The correlated suspect lesions were registered as positive. Using an optimum -3 o vertical geometry and processing parameters, BCI resulted in 62.5% sensitivity, 1.5 FP/image, and 0.885 PPV. The corresponding values from the observer experiment were 56% sensitivity, 10.8 FP/image, and 0.45 PPV, respectively. Compared to single-view CAD results, the BCI reduced sensitivity by 20%. However, the corresponding reduction in FPs was notably higher (94%) leading to 140% improvement in the PPV. Changes in processing parameters could result in higher PPV and lower FP/image at the expense of lower sensitivity. Similar findings were indicated for small (5-9 mm) and large (9-13 mm) nodules, but the relative improvement was significantly higher for smaller nodules. (The research was supported by a grant from the NIH, R21CA91806.)