Thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) arthritis is one of the most common and debilitating pathologies evaluated by the hand surgeon, affecting up to 35% of individuals over 55 years of age. Though multifactorial in etiology, dorsal and radial subluxation of the thumb CMC due to incompetency of the volar beak ligament is thought to be among the most important factors contribution to the arthritis. Multiple operative interventions have been proposed to best address this pathology. In the United States, trapeziectomy with ligament reconstruction and tendon interposition (LRTI) as described by Burton and Pellegrini remains the most widely used technique. As an isolated trauma, dislocation of the thumb CMC joint is a rare injury, only comprising approximately 1% of injuries evaluated by hand surgeons. Typically, thumb CMC dislocations occur due to axial load with the thumb in a flexed position. They are most commonly dorsal dislocations, and are thought to occur due to failure of the dorsoradial ligament. To date, no cases of CMC dislocation after LRTI have yet been described in the literature. Here we present a patient with volar thumb CMC dislocation as a rare complication after LRTI. After percutaneous pinning and immobilization followed by hand therapy, the patient has had a successful return to work with improved pain, restored function, and no further instability.