Turner syndrome (TS) is an abnormality of the X chromosome affecting females. This genetic defect causes infertility in most cases, but less commonly in patients with the mosaic form of Turner syndrome. In the rare event of a pregnancy, it usually leads to maternal and fetal complications, including miscarriage. In this study, we report a case of mosaic Turner syndrome (45,X/46,XX) in a 34-year-old female who presented to our outpatient clinic with a two-year history of secondary infertility following nine previous spontaneous pregnancies (SP). Her obstetric history showed two successful healthy pregnancies, seven first-trimester miscarriages, one intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD), and one infant death at six months of age. Cases of pregnancy in mosaic Turner syndrome patients are limited and have poor pregnancy outcomes; here, we aim for our case to contribute to the improvement of pregnancy outcomes in such patients.