Although there is no evidence that elevated rates of cesarean sections (cS) translate into reduced maternal/child perinatal morbidity or mortality, cS have been increasingly overused almost everywhere, both in high and low-income countries. the primary cesarean section (pcS) has become a major driver of the overall cS (ocS) rate, since it carries intrinsic risk of repeat cS (RcS) in future pregnancies. in our study we examined patterns of pcS, pl compared with planned toLAc anned PCS (PPCS), vaginal birth after 1 previous CS (VBAC-1) and associated factors in Friuli Venezia Giulia (FVG), a region of NorthEastern Italy, collecting data from its 11 maternity centres (coded from A to K) during 2005-2015. By fitting three multiple logistic regression models (one for each delivery mode), we calculated the adjusted rates of pcS and ppcS among women without history of cS, whilst the calculation of the VBAC rate was restricted to women with just one previous CS (VBAC-1). Results, expressed as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (95%CI), were controlled for the effect of hospital, calendar year as well as several factors related to the clinical and obstetric conditions of the mothers and the newborn, the obstetric history and socio-demographic background. in fVG during 2005-2015 there were 24,467 OCS (rate of 24.2%), 19,565 PCS (19.6%), 7,736 PPCS (7.7%) and 2,303 VBAC-1 (28.4%). We found high variability of delivery mode (DM) at hospital level, especially for pcS and ppcS. Breech presentation was the strongest determinant for pcS as well as ppcS. Leaving aside placenta previa/abuptio placenta/ante-partum hemorrhage, further significant factors, more importantly associated with pcS than ppcS were non-reassuring fetal status and obstructed labour, followed by (in order of statistical significance): multiple birth; eclampsia/pre-eclampsia; maternal age 40-44 years; placental weight 600-99 g; oligohydramios; pre-delivery LoS 3-5 days; maternal age 35-39 years; placenta weight 1,000-1,500 g; birthweight < 2,000 g; maternal age â„ 45 years; pre-delivery LoS â„ 6 days; mother's age 30-34 years; low birthweight (2,000-2,500 g); polyhydramnions; cord prolaspe; â„6 US scas performed during pregnancy and pre-term gestations (33-36 weeks). Significant factors for PPCS were (in order of statistical significance): breech presentation; placenta previa/abruptio placenta/ante-partum haemorrhage; multiple birth; pre-delivery LoS â„ 3 days; placental weight â„ 600 g; maternal age 40-44 years; â„6 US scans performed in pregnancy; maternal age â„ 45 and 35-39 years; oligohydramnios; eclampsia/pre-eclampsia; mother's age 30-34 years; birthweight