Background-In cardiac arrest, the ventricular fibrillation (VF) waveform, particularly amplitude spectral area (AMSA) and slope, predicts the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC), but it is unknown whether the predictive utility differs in an acute myocardial infarction (MI), prior MI, or normal myocardium and if the waveform can distinguish the underlying myocardial state. We hypothesized that in a swine model of VF cardiac arrest, AMSA and slope predict ROSC after a shock independent of substrate and distinguish an acute from nonacute MI state. Methods and Results-MI was induced by occlusion of the left anterior descending artery. Post MI swine recovered for a 2-week period before induction of VF. VF was untreated for 8 minutes in 10 acute MI, 10 post MI, and 10 control swine. AMSA and slope predicted ROSC after a shock independent of myocardial state. For AMSA Ͼ31 mV-Hz, the odds ratio was 62 (PՅ0.001) compared with AMSA Ͻ19 mV-Hz. For slope Ͼ3.1 mV/s, odds ratio was 52 (PՅ0.001) compared with slope Ͻ1.8 mV/s. With chest compressions, AMSA and slope were significantly lower for acute MI swine compared with control swine, whereas in post MI swine the waveform characteristics were similar to control swine. In particular, for an AMSA Ͼ33.5 mV-Hz, the sensitivity to identify an acute from nonacute (control or post MI) state was 83%. Conclusions-In a swine model of VF cardiac arrest, AMSA and slope predict ROSC independent of myocardial substrate.Furthermore, with chest compressions, the VF waveform evolves differently and may offer a means to distinguish an acute MI. (Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2011;4:337-343.)