Mini ReviewConfiguration (molding) is an evolutionarily formed process that ensures the adaptation of the size and shape of the head to the birth canal of the mother and also prevents birth trauma (ВТ) to the mother and fetus. It is known that the configuration prevents birth trauma [1], but the pronounced configuration leads to traumatic injuries to the skull and brain. A pronounced head configuration is observed with cephalopelvic disproportion, prolonged or dysfunctional labor, difficult delivery, operative delivery (vacuum extraction and forceps delivery), excessive use of oxytocin, excessive uterine contractions and other reasons. However, how do these conditions and complications of childbirth lead to birth damage? All causes are mediated by head configuration. The configuration of the head is a mediated link in the interaction of pathology during childbirth and birth injuries, so it can explain the cause and mechanisms of these injuries. The configuration can be diagnosed by vaginal examination and sonography during labor. All causes of obstructed labor are mediated by configuration mechanisms that both neutralize the effect of these causes, and can become pathological for the fetus, leading to birth traumatic injuries. That is, compensation mechanisms become insufficient to prevent traumatic injuries.